
We believe that kids are people, and people thrive outside, and the outside has a lot to teach us.


Our 2024-2025 preschool class is full. HOWEVER, we recommend that families fill out the “enroll” form above to get on our waitlist. Not only will you be notified if a spot opens up for your child, but we’ll keep you updated regarding other preschools that we recommend with openings and new programs that may pop up.

Our Program: a licensed Outdoor Nature Based Preschool

Barefeet Farm School is inspired by many different curricula, people, and ways of being. We look to the Montessori, Waldorf, Forest School, and Reggio Emilia models for inspiration. Barefeet Farm School is play based and child led. 

Our curriculum is to play. In our world of hyper-academia and standardized tests, it is sometimes hard to just let them play. “They should be learning their letters and how to hold a pencil correctly! They should be getting ready for Kindergarten” some might say. And they are. Through their play with letter puzzles and cloud gazing, they are learning letters. Through building with blocks and making grand art projects they are honing their fine motor skills. Most importantly though, they are practicing curiosity, confidence, persistence, communication, happiness… all the things that will make their future endeavors possible. Our days at BFS are packed full of learning. It doesn’t happen on worksheets usually, unless the children are drawn to them. Early childhood education is a foundation for everything else. 

To support this emergent curriculum, our classroom at BFS is equipped and staged with a large variety of developmentally appropriate loose parts, tools, and toys. BFS staff actively observe children in order to support the learning toward which they are gravitating. Staff will organize the classroom in ways that encourage the children to try new things, explore their current interests, and grow every day. Being outdoors is vital to this mission of child led learning because the lack of walls allows them to take down their walls, too. They can run, jump, yell, tumble, and throw throughout their experience: learning with their whole bodies. The outdoors is both sensory rich and sensorily peaceful. Children can find sensory rich environments in textures, visuals, and sounds of nature, or they can have the opportunity to relax their sensory systems in the vast quiet of the outside.

Preschool is often the first chance children have to be part of a community without their parents present. This is a big deal! While they explore their interests, children will also have the opportunity throughout their time at BFS to cultivate social and emotional skills. It is important for kids to be able to communicate effectively and respectfully with peers and adults. Staff will encourage kids to speak to each other through language modeling and direct encouragement. (“I’m not sure what she’s playing. Why don’t you ask her?”) Kids at BFS will have the space to feel and address all of their feelings: joy, disappointment, excitement, anger, frustration, happiness, sadness, and more. Through their time at BFS, children will learn what it feels like to be part of a cooperative community. By steeping them in curiosity, joy, community, and confidence, they won’t accept anything less going forward. 

If they love to learn, know how to communicate with their peers, and are confident in themselves, they will be ready for anything- especially next school year.


Who is eligible?

School year programming is for kids ages 3-5. We welcome first time school-goers. Kids must be able to use the bathroom with minimal assistance.

Enrollment begins in February for the school year in September. We would love to hear from you, make a plan, and show you the space before that time. However, we do not begin enrollment or start the waitlist until February in the year of the desired program enrollment.


School year schedule (September-June)

2024: Classes start September 4th. Monday-Thursday 9-3.

With up to 12 kids and at least two adults per session, we are able to safely enjoy our outdoor classroom and the woods together.

Daily Schedule

Our daily schedule is quite variable but follows the same general routine.

9 AM gather to sing good morning song, name sign in, optional snack

9:30-11:15 free play in the outdoor classroom

11:30 lunch and read aloud

noon optional rest time

afternoon adventure to forest or lower field, timing dependent on rest time

adventures are free play in various flagged out play spaces on the property.

in lieu of an adventure, free play in the outdoor classroom

2:20 optional snack, tidy classroom, gather belongings, sing goodbye song

3:00 pick up


2024-2025 School Year (6 hour days)


4 days per week: $1025

2 days per week: $512

Tuition includes enrollment, supply fees, and access to teachers’ time, emails, and efforts outside of class.

As a licensed Outdoor Nature Based Preschool through DCYF, we are able to accept Working Connections subsidies. Click here to find more information about subsidies!

Click here for our Winter Gear Guide